Wednesday, February 18, 2009

UGH!! still sick =(

OK, sorry guys I haven't been keeping up with my blog but I am still sick. I was on bed-rest for a week and was a good girl and did stay home, as I was actually too weak to not comply with doctors orders. I'd like to take back the comment a previous comment that I have confidence in the doctor at the hospital, as I think all the medicine she prescribed me was basically just candy, LOL!! I'm still freaking sick!
Yup Renee is complaining, right here right now for all to hear/read. I am sick of being sick, I did everything as prescribed but still feel like crap. The thing is I had to go back to school this week. When I went back I saw that almost everyone there was also terribly sick,runny noses, hacking, glassy eyes with pale skin except for the rosy cheeks of fever. They really need to disinfect and sanitized my school, I've never seen so many sick people at once, it was kinda scary and gross,LOL!!
I would help if the weather would improve, Rome has been experiencing record breaking low temperature and raining almost every day (I swear I keep expecting to see snow) for the month and a half I have been here. CRUD CRUD CRUD
For those of you who I have not told yet I have offical plans for spring break now. I have never done a "spring break" before, and if this oppertunity had not presented itself I would have once again just spent spring break at home as I have no interest in drinking my face off, sleeping with strangers and ending up on a girls gone wild video, as many of the springbreakers do LOL!!! So here it is..... I am going to AFRICA for spring break!!! What do ya think of that?? I'm pretty freaking excited~! One of the professors from my school here in Rome also teaches in Africa, Tunisia to be exact and she is leading a small tour of the country for a few of us non-party hardy students. Tunisia has some of the best preserved ruins ( not even ruined!!LOL!!) from the Roman empire. *** Tunisia is the tiny green colored country between Algeria and Libya, right off the tip of the toe of Italy's boot*** Tunisia isn't the Africa I was expecting ( lions, grass lands, gazelle, elephants, tribes in huts) but it does apear to be a fascinating PEACEFUL and SAFE Islamic country. The landscape is pretty much barren with the occasional oasis, we will actually be visiting the places they used to film Lukes childhood home in Star Wars, LOL!! We will also be visiting the Sarhara desert, riding camels, wraping our heads up in turbans the whole bit and for those of you who know me, you know I'm always up for an adventure and this is one I am definately not gonna miss out on!!

this will probably be me :)
rest with Beduines in the Tunisian desert Ruins, not ruined!!
Excited for me?>? I know you are!!