Friday, January 16, 2009

Tevere River and Piazza Navona

Today I hung out with my new friend Whitney and we simply followed the River Tiber ,(which by the way is very ugly, dirty and polluted, my pictures make it look nice but trust me it's not.)
from our school towards the Piazza Navona Piazza Novana was amazingly beautiful, I got to check out Bernini's fountains mentioned in Angels & Demons a bestselling mystery novel by American author Dan Brown. My pictures can't really give you an idea of the scale or size of these sculptures they are just HUGE!

by the way I am taking 100's of pictures but can only post so many, so if ya wanna see more come visit me here =P
Whit and I sat and ate lunch outside in the sunshine, serenaded by the music of wandering musicians. It was a little expensive but not really in terms of we paid for atmosphere, entertainment, good service with a smile and beautiful meals, the host was very friendly and took his own picture before taking ours, LOL!

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